Why are high quality lubricants so important in agriculture?


The proper functioning of the drive train would not be possible without lubricants, that much is obvious. But not every product will perform equally well, especially in demanding farming conditions. To avoid downtime and prolong the life of your machinery, it’s worth investing in the best solutions on the market.

In the article you will learn

  • what to pay attention to when choosing a lubricant for your machine

Why is it so important?

Because better lubrication quality is, consequently, a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) of an agricultural machine. If a lubricant does not provide optimal protection against corrosion and wear, components will simply deteriorate faster. The result? The need to replace the part with a new one, which entails a seasonal expense.

The saying comes true in practice: “He who pays cheaply, pays twice,” because the apparent savings resulting from the selection of a cheaper product “avenge themselves” in the form of higher repair costs. Conversely, high-quality lubricants will provide significantly longer intervals between replacements, which translates into more money in the wallet.

When selecting a lubricant for a specific category of agricultural machinery, what matters is to ensure high performance of moving working parts and reduce wear on components such as bearings or gears.

High quality lubricants will ensure significantly longer replacement intevals

For all working conditions

Another advantage of using high-quality agricultural oils and greases is that they protect machines in all operating conditions, even under heavy loads, both in low and high temperatures, with field work carried out in the summer heat.
Such products effectively help keep the drivetrain in good shape in various operating environments, and even when replacements are less frequent.

For example, FUCHS oils from the AGRIFARM range guarantee protection against wear and rust formation, reduce the occurrence of deposits and are compatible with seals. So there is no need to worry about leaks. In addition, many of the products in the range feature a very high viscosity index and significant resistance to oxidation. All of this translates into optimal machine operating conditions.

Efficient operation means no downtime

Modern farms are focused on productivity and efficiency. And this involves uninterrupted operation. Unfortunately, machine breakdowns or the need for an emergency oil or parts change sometimes mean an expensive visit to the mechanic. You have to wait up to several weeks for some parts, depending on the current market situation.

In the case of a large fleet of agricultural machinery on a farm, the temporary shutdown of one of them is not too much of an inconvenience, but when the equipment in question is a base without which work cannot be carried out, it becomes problematic.
By using high-quality lubricants, the risk of unexpected downtime can be significantly reduced. So it boils down to the fact that a single purchasing decision significantly increases the profitability of a given agricultural operation.

What to consider when choosing a lubricant for agriculture?

Pay particular attention to the requirements of the manufacturer of the agricultural machine regarding the standard to be met by the lubricant. At the same time, you should be aware that the degree of service life of, for example, an engine or hydraulic system can affect the choice of a particular product.

Carefully read the characteristics of the lubricant in question. As a rule, the manufacturer describes exactly where and in what applications a particular one will work.

Choose your oil
Which FUCHS product will best meet your requirements?

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Menedżer Produktu ds. Motoryzacyjnych Środków Smarnych. W firmie FUCHS pracuję nad rozwojem wybranych motoryzacyjnych środków smarnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem linii produktów AGRIFARM oraz OEM. Doradzam jakie oleje czy smary należy zastosować. Wyjaśniam, tłumaczę branżowe zagadnienia techniczne. Prowadzę szkolenia oraz różnego typu wystąpienia.   Jestem pasjonatem motoryzacji, który w wolnych chwilach jeździ motocyklem oraz spędza godziny na dyskusjach o samochodach.